Let Me Die Alone
Book Name: Let Me Die Alone
Price: ₦ 550.00

Category: Young Adults
About The Book

"Let Me Die Alone" as a dramatic piece unveils the ancient royal descent of Africans under the colonial imperial system. The play showcases traditional African institutions with their subjects headed by a king (Gbanya) who fought many wars and conquered as a mark of gallantry. The indefatigable armies of Mende kingdom were characterized by untiring and unshakable confidence with which they brought down many chiefdoms. The exit of Gbanya as the ruler of Mende chiefdom was masterminded by the colonial forces who not only desecrated his royalty but also flogged him before his people. His unthinkable disgrace negatively serves as a channel through which Musa and Lamboi poisoned him to death. His death brought about the reign of his wife (Yoko) upon whom he has already vowed to give the throne. Yoko without sparing any chance fought tirelessly until she mounted the throne. Her reign was brought to an abrupt end by the Western authority who divided her kingdoms without recourse to her feelings and personality as a queen. In effect, she poisoned herself and died to avert the shame orchestrated by the imperial leader (Dr. Rowe).

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