About The Book

HIV/AIDS has been a subject of popular controversy in regards to where it starts and ends in the life journey of man throughout his stay on earth. HIV or Human Immune Deficiency Virus, is understood to be the virus that causes AIDS. While Acquire Immune Deficiency is the name of the disease that destroys the immune system of the human body.

Zip Up is an entertaining play, a major title in the READS Campaign. It is the genre in the READS Campaign that reveals the reality of HIV/AIDS and exposes every child to the knowledge and awareness of the epidemic. The subject matter is very timely and such that every young person must be well knowledgeable about.

ZIP UP was first performed in the main auditorium of Osunmenyi Hall, Alaba, Lagos, during the state play competition organized in conjunction with Society for Family Health, where Zip Up won its first award.

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