Mister President
Book Name: Mister President
Price: ₦ 1,114.40

Category: Children Literature
About The Book

Bright Thompson became the President of his Country not because he was the best candidate, but because he did his best and always learns to improve. Every morning is another opportunity to look at yourself in the mirror and ask life?s most urgent and persistent question, ?

How can I improve? Many people fail to maximize their potential because they lack the independent assertiveness to challenge themselves daily by becoming their own motivating critic.

While critique, even from others can serve you well, it's important to evaluate self through the eyes of the beholder. In this story, everyone voted for Bright because he excelled in his post of duty.

Being born with potential can be considered a gift and a curse. And for those that don't utilize their potential, unfortunately, they've waived their first-class bus ticket to greatness.

Who you are largely determines what you become. It is your attitude that defines your altitude. The strength of your character determines the greatness of your destiny; and your culture is vital in determining your future.

Read this book and learn to affect your world positively. A must read for all students who wish to excel in their academic pursuit!

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